Page name: The Story Of Ari Michiyo Rp Area [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2007-12-07 01:24:34
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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the story of ari michiyo

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2008-01-02 [MadHatress]: Kage stood up and glared at his brother. "I'm not going anywhere with you..."

2008-01-03 [Fallen dreams]: he looked at his brother without emotion "You dont have much of a choice i wore a seal that can be traced the minute Ari finds Nami she will come here and you know brother i have enough skill to stop you leaving that is unless your subbordinate can stop me by herself." he drew his katana and stood in his stance expecting Kage or Jun "I have the advantage in combat i was always better at martial arts than you."

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: ~Foolish little brother...~ Kage drew his own Katana, looking at Kane. "Then Let ARi come and try to come for me, your inferiority will only prove my strength"

2008-01-03 [Fallen dreams]: He calmly dashed forwards preforming various sword forms thrying to break his brothers defesnes "You have no strength to prove."

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: Kage blocked each of his attacks, using an extremely weakened version of an electricution technique to subdue his brother. "Is that so? Then why are you being electricuted, dear brother?"

2008-01-03 [Fallen dreams]: Kane stepped back he would not make a sound as he was being fried he then looked at his brother "the same reason your being burned brother." he used his flame technique causing flames to appear and burn away at Kage

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: Kage vanished and reappeared behind Kane. "Like I said, you're still weak..." he bound Kane in a web like thread and left

2008-01-03 [Fallen dreams]: Kane broke out easily enough "So it is like that brother very well we will meet again and fight for real." he turned to Jun who was still stood there "Get out of here before i decide to capture or kill you." he sat waiting for everyone to catch up

2008-01-03 [Sonya Blue]: Ari and Lilly stopped when they saw Nami "..."

2008-01-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun glared at Kane and grabbed her Katana,"Bite me."She sheathing it. She removed the cloth from her mouth and left in the direction Kage had gone

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: Kage came to a stop once he got to the other side of town, then looked at the ground slightly as he walked. ~If only there could have been a simpler way for my foolish brother to come along with me...~

2008-01-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun spotted Kage, but stayed back as she replaced the cloth over her mouth.

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: Kage sensed her coming up behind him. "You may as well approach Jun..."

2008-01-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun nodded and walked up beside him. She let her hair down and ran her fingures threw her hair.

2008-01-03 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki kept wandering then stopped thinking

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: Kage kept his eyes on the path before him. "How did he get to me?"

2008-01-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "That was Kane I presume?"

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: He rolled his eyes and looked at Jun. "OBVIOUSLY!!"

2008-01-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun nodded and pulled her hair up again."He has your skills."She said before walking away.

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: He chuckled dryly. "Kane wishes he had my skill..."

2008-01-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun smiled ever so slightly, but didn't reply, she just kept walking.

2008-01-03 [Orochimaru]: Ryo was bored.

2008-01-03 [MadHatress]: Kage watched her walk away then headed to an Ero house

2008-01-03 [Orochimaru]: (gah XD LOL)

2008-01-03 [Sonya Blue]: (I don't want to know...)

2008-01-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun sighed a bit as she kept walking.
((I don't think i want to know either....))

2008-01-04 [MadHatress]: ((^_^ it's nothing bad ... lmfao ... >>'))

Kage smirked to himself them left a few hours later.

2008-01-04 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki was still wandering and sat under a tree

2008-01-04 [Sonya Blue]: ((Sure, knowing Ari, Nami and the others were serching for Kane, Ari didn't look happy

2008-01-04 [MadHatress]: Kage walked around town somewhat happily, then noticed Tamanaki under a tree.

2008-01-04 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki sighed looked at her hands

2008-01-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun had dozed off sitting on top of a roof.

2008-01-04 [Orochimaru]: (as if...your so naughty)

2008-01-04 [MadHatress]: (^^ I know...)

2008-01-04 [Orochimaru]: (i am totaly lost)

2008-01-04 [MadHatress]: (nothing has happened yet. Kage and his brother fought for a moment and that was about it.)

2008-01-04 [Orochimaru]: (so where are ryo and the person she was following?)

2008-01-04 [MadHatress]: (I dont really know. I think they're walking around)

2008-01-04 [Orochimaru]: (gah figures)

2008-01-04 [MadHatress]: (lol)

2008-01-04 [Orochimaru]: (sooo...)

2008-01-05 [Fallen dreams]: ((if your following ari your with her im sat in a room waiting for you))
Kane stood then stepped outside into the sunlight he saw Ari and calmly walked over to her "......" he stared at her 'i will match you some day brother.'

2008-01-05 [Sonya Blue]: Ari stopped, glaring at him "..."

2008-01-06 [MadHatress]: kage shrugged and continued to walk down the rod to his home

2008-01-06 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki just stared at her hands ~Ari is strong but not as strong as i expected shes given me strength but i need more if i ever want to find my brother if hes alive and the killer of my parents~

2008-01-06 [Fallen dreams]: he stared back uncaring and cold "You knew it was coming Ari."

2008-01-07 [Sonya Blue]: she walked past him "Lets go everyone"

2008-01-07 [Fallen dreams]: *he turned and followwed her staying silent

2008-01-07 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki stood up and walked off

2008-01-09 [Sonya Blue]: Ari didn't say anything  ---  Nami ran up next to him

2008-01-09 [Orochimaru]: Ryo looked at Ari,"You ok?"

2008-01-09 [Sonya Blue]: Ari nodded slightly "just a little on the annoyed side at the moment"

2008-01-09 [Orochimaru]: Ryo sighed,"When are we going then?"

2008-01-09 [Sonya Blue]: "we are going now Ryo" she looked at her

2008-01-09 [Fallen dreams]: "And where do you intend to go Ari?" he turned and looked at her

2008-01-10 [Sonya Blue]: "To the next village, so we can all rest" she kept on walking without looking at him

2008-01-10 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun glanced at Kage as he walked, then looked up at the sky.

2008-01-10 [Fallen dreams]: "Very well." he followed Ari keeping silent

2008-01-10 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly and Nami walked behind him talking silently with each other  ---  Ari didn't say anything else

2008-01-10 [Fallen dreams]: He turned to look at Nami " I apologieze for my earlier actions i didnt want you hurt."

2008-01-10 [Sonya Blue]: Nami glanced at him "you think i would have been hurt...Honestly I would have rather gone with you to see Kage, than to be stuck this nasty headache i have now..."  ---  Lilly went silent when he started talking to Nami

2008-01-10 [Fallen dreams]: "Kage would of used you to make me join him he is beyond both our abilities." He turned away 'Im sorry i wanted to protect you from my brother so i must become emotionless.'

2008-01-10 [Sonya Blue]: "what ever you say, but next time, just tell me, i would have understood"  ---  Lilly walked a bit faster and caught up with Ari and Ryo

2008-01-10 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki kept walking and sighed looking around

2008-01-10 [Fallen dreams]: "I understand very well." He walked beside Nami staying as silent as possible

2008-01-10 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki groaned and kept walking "just great"

2008-01-10 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly noticed that they were coming up to the village Ari talked about  ---  Nami sighed

2008-01-10 [Fallen dreams]: He looked upon the village doors then heard Nami sigh silent he kept walking "Rest will be good i burned too much energy."

2008-01-10 [Sonya Blue]: Ari looked over at him "Whose fault is that?"  ---  Lilly and Nami walked inside the village

2008-01-10 [Orochimaru]: Ryo just glared,"Well tell me if were gonna fight...I need a work out."

2008-01-12 [Sonya Blue]: Ari didn't answer her  ---  they stopped and waited for everyone else

2008-01-14 [Velvet Dreams]: [ hi guy been very ill wats happened here ]

2008-01-14 [Orochimaru]: (...)

2008-01-20 [Fallen dreams]: "I do not need your comments Ari it was always going to happen."

2008-01-20 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "It still dose not make it alright"

2008-01-20 [Fallen dreams]: "I guess no more needs to be said." He entered the village

2008-01-20 [Sonya Blue]: she followed him into the village

2008-01-21 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki kept walking then stopped for a bit

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage sighed, walking in to his boring and empty appartment and got comfortable on a beat up sofa

2008-01-21 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki sighed and looked around "it was a bad idea to leave the group"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun sighed leaning against the tree, shifting on the branch to get more comfortable.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage yawned and stretched out, throwing a kunai at the cieling above him

2008-01-21 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki started walking again

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun got down from the tree after a bit and walked to a run-down appartment building. She shoved open her door,then slamed the door closed, locking it.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage heard the door from a distance, and shrugged his shoulders

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun got into more comfortable clothes then sat down on the thin matress that made up the only furniter in the appartment. She looked up at the ceiling,

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage sent a message, via transportation jutsu to Jun, telling her to be a bit more quiet entering the appartment

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun narrowed her eyes and growled,sending a message back saying that she'd try but she sure as hell wasn't making any garenties.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He laughed and got comfortable again, sighing as he closed his eyes

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun got up opening and slaming her door even harder,"Jerk."She growled.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage growled and stealthily made his way into her room, standing behind her. "Say it to my face, Jun"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun looked at him,"Say what?"She growled, walking around him, going to her room, pulling on her pants.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: he looked at her and chuckled. "If I'm a jerk, then why put up with me? huh?"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun rolled her eyes,"Why should you care?Its just a word is it not?Or does being called names hurt you?"

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: "I couldn't care less what people called me" growing irritated. "I just don't like being trailed by people that have the potential to turn around and kill me one day!"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun shook her head, looking at the ground."Well, I'm not one of thoose people Kage...I've been stabbed in the back to many times too turn around and do it to someone else..."She whispered

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage listened to her with almost no interest, and sighed. "Yeah yeah, fine...waht ever. just, next time, say what ever it is you need to say to my face"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun looked at him,"Fine, I'll start now."She walked over and opened the door,"Don't let the whole in the floor trip you on the way out...Asswhole."

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He smirked a bit and stepped towards the door. "Don't get used to such generosity Jun..."

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun rolled her eyes a bit, walking away, pulling off her pants,"Whatever. I'm going to bed scence I don't have till dawn to exchange words that have no value. Slam the door if you would on your way out if you ever leave."She pulled the band out off her hair, running a brush threw it.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage chuckled to himself and left, lightly closing the door behind himself

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun sighed as the door creaked back open, walking over and slamming it shut, muttering under her breath.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He smirked to himself again and went to his own appartment

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I swear he's going to make my hair go grey..."Jun said to no one in particular. She lay down on the matress, sighing.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage fell asleep on the couch in his living room

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun fell asleep after a bit.

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: Shiva sleathes past the sleepin jen and kage

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: he shifted uneasily in his sleep, turning and facing the back of his couch

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: she sees kages Kunai and walks slowly towards him

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun woke up from a restless sleep and sat up. She pushed back, leaning against the wall, her hand resting near her Katana

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage senses her coming up behind him, so he slowly rests a hand on one of his shurikens.

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: shiva hears the movement of jen and see kage flinch so see grabs two winged blade shurikens dues a back flip and trows them at kage and jen

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: (Kage and Jun are in two different appartments.)
One hits Kage, but he vanishes in a cliud of smoke; sustitution Jutstu. He grabs his katana and holds it to Shiva's throat. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: @is that wise kage i came 2nd once thise time i will win@ shiva uses her leg to flip kage over har head then draws her katana

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: "Yeah, good luck with that..." He got up and lunged his Katana at her abdomen

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: shiva jumps and lands on the blade "humm nice blade"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun hears the comotion. She grabbed her Katana and silently went towards Kages appartment.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He smirked. "Thanks...but quit staring down at my pants." Kage dropped the katana and formed hand signs quickly. "Katon Housenka"[Fire Type; Mythical Fire Flower] Fire issued from his hands at surrounds Shive

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun looked into the room, and seeing that he had everything undercontrol she leaned against the wall.

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "wow your hot ....well i am " shiva puts her hands in the flames so that her gloves alight then jumps next to kage and hits him with her hand

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage caught her hand and laid one arm across her neck, flipping her over on her stomach and pinning her to his floor.

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "do you mind" shiva puts kage in a head sciccors with her legs and flips him trough the flames

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He flipped out of the flames and took of his burning shirt. "No actually, I don't mind at all..." He chucked several Kunai at her

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: shiva uses her skills to flip duck and dive out of the way of the kunais but catches the last one on the hilt of her katana "a little gift ....why thank you "

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He rolled his eyes. "You know it baby..." he used the time when she spoke to use a modified version of Ari's parylization technique

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: shiva uses her poison kiss skill and blows a kiss to kage and the pink dust covers kges face slowin his reactions and makin it hard to see "happy dreams sweet prince" see kicks him in the head

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage managed to avoid getting the "kiss" inhaled. He grabbed her foot and threw her to the ground.

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "like to play rough do you" shiva flips up and draws 5 winged bladed shurikens she fans them out and the throws them

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: A couple graze Kage's shouder, but he acts as though they never touched him. "I play very rough. You and ari both know that"

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "i need we do... but the is one thing that i find funny ...its how your acting like you not bothered about the cuts but you are ....its not the fact of you bleeding...its the fact of knowing i better the you"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun silently grabbed a few of Kage Kunai's and prepared to throw them at Shiva

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: as jen pulled back to throw the kunais shiva pulled out a bladed hair pin and throw it at jen witch pined her arm to the wall the hair pin went through jens arm

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage laughed, seeing movement from the corner of his eyes. "Shiva, The cuts don't bother me, I've been using a Jutsu that turns pain to a sensation of laughter..." he grinned a bit. "Thank Ari for that one too."  He Summoned a jutsu that Pinned Shiva's feet to the ground like steel/

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun smirked pulling it out,"Thanks, I needed a new one."She threw the kunai at her so they lineed up with her spine

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "so you think that by doing that will stop me kage" shiva takes out her other hair pin her hair falls sexly down "hay kage so your fiend jen wont her to die or let me out fight fair hunni" shiva aimes the pin at jen neck as she ic stunk in the wall

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun rolled her eyes and stopped the pin.

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "nice catch jen ...hay you can keep them "

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage shrugged. "Do what you want with'er. It's a little more fun seeing you trapped in my floor..." He grinned evily and trew a dagger within inches of her

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "so you like to trap a girl well kage its just the way i like it " shiva says in a flirt voice the dagger cutsthe neting of her top with shows more of her clevage

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He knealt down to her level, glancing at her then looks into her eyes. "Your seduction won't work on me...I'm not the least bit interested in you...What do you think Jun, should I kill her quickly or make her suffer?"

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun shrugged,"I was planning on it."She picked up a few more Kunai and began walking away,"Suffer is always more fun Kage, you know that"

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "but kage you know you wont me, just give in to your feelings"

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He smirked after Jun and grabbed Shiva by the hair on the back of her head. "I'd never fall for a girl that supports the very woman who tried to hold me back..."

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: shiva starts to laugh "you foolish person kage i never liked you nor never will" shiva grabs kage and kisses him" dont be to flattered there now is a slow working poison in your body let me go and i cure it"

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He cringed against the kiss and hit her. "You EVER, touch me like that again filthy whore..." he wiped at his lips and saw a greenish liquid. "Cure me and I Might let you go"

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: " holds face, no let me go and i will cure you"

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: "Do you think I can trust yo enough to let you go first?"

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "well your life is in my hands"

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: ~Dammit, I don't have a medical kit. I have no choice~
He cursed at her several times and punched through the floor, holding Shiva firmly by her neck.

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: now free shiva shakes out of the hold and moves back

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage kept within a step of her. "fix what you've done, or I'll torture you until you beg me for death"

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: "WEll.... i will do as i said" hands over a pink thick drink

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: He cringed. "it just has to be pink..." Kage drank it and threw the gass out a window. "Now get out of here, before I change mny mind and kill you. You have 2 seconds"

2008-01-21 [Velvet Dreams]: shiva spins and pink powder and flowers fall to the floor and shiva was gone

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: kage shook his head. "I should have her clean this crap up..." he kicked the flowery mess through the hole in his floor, which was slowly resealing

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun went to her appartment, grabbing a jar with paste and a bandege.

2008-01-21 [MadHatress]: Kage sighed and fell back asleep, chuckling softly when he resed on his shoulder

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun slamed the door so it would close and locked it. Jun paced her living room, getting frustrated with her thoughts

2008-01-21 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki wandered and stopped sitting under a tree sighing

2008-01-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun got dressed in her normal clothes and grabbed her Katana and Kunai before leaving.

2008-01-22 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki hugged her knees and stared at the ground

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun spotted Tamanaki and walked over to her.

2008-01-22 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki heard Jun and looked up still hugging her knees

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun sighed,"Mind if I join you?"

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly wandered around the village they had just arrived in

2008-01-22 [Fallen dreams]: ((ok enough with the badass ninjas time for the ninjas who represent truth and justice unfortunatly there non-exsistent so back to Aris group lol))Kane stopped at a clearing he had found after leaving the group at the inn and quickly preformed the same seals his brother had used just a momment ago "Katon housenka." fire quickly flew from his hands after a while Kane noticed that his hands had never been burned once by this whole exercise and he quickly began to modify his brothers jutsu before returning with both arms and legs burned "Once i have this mastered i will be able to fight brother easily with my own unique technique."

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly yawned and headed over to the inn, where the others were

2008-01-22 [Fallen dreams]: Kane quietly walked past the group before sitting on the window quietly

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun looked around,"Never mind...I forgot that I had something to do..."She walked back to her apartment and again slamed the door, hoping it would piss Kage off again. ~I don't know why I want to annouy him so much, but I do~

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly looked over at him  ---  Ari sat down next to Nami "are you okay Kane?"

2008-01-22 [MadHatress]: Kage growled and threw a flamming shuriken through the walls.

2008-01-22 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki blinked and had a weird look on her face "o..........k then im not gonna ask"

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun smirked and side-stepped the shuriken."Sorry, did I wake you?"

2008-01-22 [Fallen dreams]: "I requre some medical aid and rest." he suddenly felt a chill
'brother is angry.' He turned to look at ari and Nami "I shall go rest in my room" he reached the door before collapsing from exaustion.

2008-01-22 [MadHatress]: He glared at her throught the hole in the walls. "Fix...your damned door"

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly ran over to him  ---  Ari stood up and walked over to them

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun rolled her eyes."Whatever."She said before opening one of the cubords, looking for a tool box.She smirked slightly

2008-01-22 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki hugged her knees and stared at the ground again

2008-01-22 [Fallen dreams]: "I am fine i require some rest of my chakra." through sheer force of will he rose and went through the door and laid on his bed.

2008-01-22 [Elf_Person]: Sosuke sat ontop of his house looking at the sky day dreaming

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly watched him and then walked back over to her seat  ---  Ari rolled her eyes and walked outside

2008-01-22 [MadHatress]: He growled and threw a kuni in the hole, blocking it so he could get some rest. ~she's just trying to piss me off~

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: jun chuckeld softly to herself, grabbing a file and opening the door,looking for the problem areas

2008-01-22 [Chellie Bear]: Tamanaki sighed and closed her eyes leaning in her head in her knees

2008-01-22 [Elf_Person]: Sosuke looked around sighing to himself as he jumped off the roof and walked through the village his head hung low

2008-01-22 [Fallen dreams]: Kane was lost in his dreams before him was ari and th others all parepreing various jutsu aimed for him calling him a traitor saying he should die for joining his brother. he fell to his knees before crying out waking himself in a cold sweat.

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Lilly and Nami looked towards his room

2008-01-22 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: amaya walked into the inn looking pissed

2008-01-22 [Elf_Person]: Sosuke walked into the Inn hoping to get a small job to make alittle money

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Ari glanced at Amaya, and then Sosuke then they walked in

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun fixed the door, making sure it closed correctly, then kicked it closed, making it slam.

2008-01-22 [Elf_Person]: Sosuke looked at Amaya then walked to the front desk

2008-01-22 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: amaya walked to the counter asking for a room

2008-01-22 [Fallen dreams]: Kane laid there eyes wide open he tried to move but cried in pain before realising it was futile dropping back off to sleep.

2008-01-22 [Elf_Person]: he was turned down for a job then walked out

2008-01-22 [Sonya Blue]: Ari watched him leave and looked towards Amaya

2008-01-22 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: amaya checked her pockets before cursing, not having enough money for a room

2008-01-22 [Elf_Person]: sosuke heard her curse walked over emptying all his pockets of all the money he had left it was the exact amount for a room then turned to leave

2008-01-22 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: amaya turned, grabbing his arm and stopping him "i dont take charities" she let him go walking out

2008-01-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jun pushed the kunai out from the whole, making it clang on the ground. She began to patch the whole

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